Saturday, June 21, 2008

sharing a car

Adam and I have shared a car for 9 months now. We didn't set out to have only one car, but when Adam was in an accident that totaled his car, we decided to trade in my old car for something more reliable and make do with one at least until it was paid off. I'll be honest, the first couple months were rough. We both worked downtown so it was easy for him to drop me off, and if I needed the car during the day I could drop him off. But it was hard adjusting to not being able to hop in the car at the end of the day and come home. It forced us to communicate with each other more and be aware of our schedules. Now that it is nice out I can easily walk to and from work, but some days that isn't the most convenient either. But we've adjusted and while there are still times when it's not convenient we're making it work.

Then Adam got a new job 5 weeks ago, that wasn't downtown and it involves more driving during the day and our one-car household doesn't work so well anymore. That means we've (really Adam) has been car shopping. I appreciate having a car to take me where I need to go, but shopping for a car is about the last thing on my list of things I want to do. The good thing is that while we need another car sooner rather than later, we can make do with one for now and wait to find something in our price range.

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