Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Really Happening

I’ve hit the 90% benchmark. The finish line is just steps away. Amazing.

In Orlando when we calculated our support goal, I remember how daunting that number was. Fear overcame me. I wanted to cry. What in the world was I getting myself into. My box had a measly 80 cards in it, while Shaly had two boxes full of contacts. I set my realistic goal for January, though in the back of my mind I knew it could be February or March before I actually finished raising money.

And here we are. We’ve overcome the daily tears of the first two weeks and the fear of cold-calling people. God has made me so confident of this calling in how he how he has strengthened me and how he has provided.

The last bit is coming quite a bit slower, but I am so confident of the Lord’s provision. I need to make sure I remember this lesson and how God will provide for me when I am discipling and mentoring when I feel void of wisdom or knowledge.

Thanks, girls, for all of your support both in prayer and financially. I am so blessed to have friends like you who are so supportive. I don’t know what I would do without you!

All things are possible.


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