Monday, March 19, 2007

cereal party

all the really good expensive cereal like Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch were on sale at the store, 4 for $10, so Adam and I splurged and got 4 boxes of sweet, kid's cereal. Now it's all sitting on our stove because of course we don't have room for it in the cupboards. it makes me want to have a cereal party like i remember having in the dorms. it seems like there would be nights when we would just crave cereal so we would go to the convenience store and buy those bags of cheap cereal. then everyone grabs a spoon, we get a big bowl and start filling it with cereal and milk and everyone digs in. who wants to come?


allijack said...

I'll be there! Saturday morning. Your place. We'll watch cartoons!

becca said...

me too! Cereal is such an amazing thing and I must say, I can never decide on what flavor and always have to combine two... and sometimes three.