Sunday, October 23, 2005


What is it about your family that can automatically bring out the worst in you? For me it's my mom. I see myself as a young, confident, independent professional, but give me five minutes on the phone with her and I morph back to the whiny 16 year old, who she can bring to tears almost instantly. It makes me feel so young.

Adam and I decided we would spend Thanksgiving with his family and Christmas with mine. Deep down I realized I am disappointed to be missing a holiday with my family. I told my mom our plans, but asked if we could still stay at their (not mine anymore) house and she said no. If you celebrate with his family, you can stay with them. That hurt. I know I jumped to conclusions and didn't let her explain before saying I didn't want to talk and hung up. I know when you marry someone you leave your father and mother to cleave to your spouse, but I wasn't ready for this. I love Adam, but I still feel so young. I still want to go home and feel like a daughter. When did I become this adult? My mom will always be my mom, but I feel like the moment I became a wife, my identity as a daughter changed.

I know you girls may not be married, but do you share any of my feelings? What a year of transitions...


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