Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Last night as Janelle and I made our final trip to the paint store as we are certain that we’ve finally picked out the right color...while which we were sharing stories with each other when Janelle pointed out that I said the word “like” a lot. She use to say it too, but broke herself of the habit when her father informed her it makes her sound young... now she’s worried that she’s going to start using it again after listening to me use it so much... which in fact she sort of has. I guess I was starting to wonder then, have any of you ever noticed the frequent use of “like” in my speech? It reminded me a lot of the situation when freshman year, Bo really helped me break the habit of saying “ain’t.” Both Janelle and I noticed that I use it when I get animated and caught up in a story, probably because I don’t stop and think about it. But anyways, if I’m chatting with any of you and you notice me say that bad word...stop me.
Thanks -becca

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