Thursday, January 01, 2009

more books!

My mom got me a book embosser for Christmas so tonight I sat in front of my bookshelves and stamped my name (from the library of Andrea Marie Cooley) into all of my books. It made me realize all the books I have that I need to read and I also noticed that almost half the books on my shelves are my moms. Every time I go home she has another book waiting for me to read, so I dutifully bring it home and put it on the shelf to be read. I bring home books for her to read and ones that I've finished, but I always seem to bring home more than I return. I don't think she misses them though.

Today she let me bring home our Little House on the Prairie series with strict orders that they must be returned. The yellow covers with water-color pictures and inside the simple black-and-white illustrations bring back so many memories. My mom read Kyle and I each of those books aloud many nights. That's one thing I'm looking forward to doing with my kids some day. I'm taking them to work tomorrow because I'm working on a story about Prairie style and Laura Ingles Wilder has come up in several meetings. I don't know if we'll photograph some of them or not, but I thought they would be fun to bring in.

I finished reading Mrs. Mike tonight, on loan from my sister. It was a touching romance about a city girl moving to the wilderness of Northwest Canada and falling in love. Now I have decided that it's time to tackle Anna Karenina. All 817 pages of it. I'll let you know how it goes. But I figure we're heading into the depths of winter, what better time to start an epic novel?

I'm heading back to work tomorrow for one day after a 9 day break. I think I'm ready to go back, but it has been wonderful to be home and back in Cedar Rapids for so long. Adam and I were in CR for New Year's at Nate and Sarah's. Oh how we wish we lived closer to them. It was so great to see old friends, enjoy wine, and play games until toasting 2009 at midnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perhaps my judgement on the excellence of 'mrs. mike' was skewed due to the age at which i read the romance. should i read it again, say today, as an 18 year old, i might view it differently. I may not have been so drawn to tears as i was on the first read about 2 years ago. then again, maybe i felt more emotionally attached to the characters than you did.