Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring! And New Shoes!

Yesterday it was 60 degrees and today it topped 70. I'm in heaven. Seriously. I walk outside and bask in the warmth. I can't help but smile! Especially when I have a great new pair of orange Asics to break in! This is my 3rd pair of serious running shoes, since I decided to start running in July of 2007. I was long over-due for this pair and needed motivation to really start training for Dam 2 Dam the end of May. I made it 4 miles today. I wore shorts and a t-shirt and was sweating! It was a wonderful thing. I ran outside a few times this winter, but I'm not a big fan of getting all bundled up. Sunny warm days are much more my style.

The cutest thing happened yesterday when I was running my usual route along Grand Ave. There was a group of kids standing on the other side of the street clapping and cheering. As I got closer I could hear that they were cheering me on! And wishing me a happy spring! How cute is that! I waved and continued on my way with a big smile on my face.

In other news, I think I discovered my new favorite blog: The Pioneer Woman. You have to check it out. Whether you're wooed by her beautiful photography, delicious recipes, or witty stories, be warned, it's addicting. I'm particularly obsessed with her "Confessions: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" the saga of her moving from LA to a cattle ranch to be with the love of her life. I've been reading snippets of it since Saturday.

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